Thursday I bring the Anokaberry proposal to the Library Operations Committee. I look at the button in this picture and I notice that the buttonhole is a little frayed. I guess the button is made of something less destructible than the buttonhole...
but·ton·hole -noun 1. the hole or loop through which a button is passed and by which it is secured. -verb (used with object) 2. to sew with a buttonhole stitch. 3. to make buttonholes in. 4. to hold by the buttonhole or otherwise abruptly detain (someone) in conversation
...famous in the way a buttonhole is famous, not because it did anything spectacular, but because it never forgot what it could do. Naomi Shihab Nye
a buttonhole
" trust a button trust it to know what it is intended for. It is discreet, subtle, but very useful and important... Naomi Shihab Nye