Perhaps you have come over from Anokaberry Annotated. I'm just quiet now, listening to music, sipping this coffee and looking out the window. Notice the light and shadow on the mug, I did. I am so glad for this decision.
but·ton·hole -noun 1. the hole or loop through which a button is passed and by which it is secured. -verb (used with object) 2. to sew with a buttonhole stitch. 3. to make buttonholes in. 4. to hold by the buttonhole or otherwise abruptly detain (someone) in conversation
...famous in the way a buttonhole is famous, not because it did anything spectacular, but because it never forgot what it could do. Naomi Shihab Nye
a buttonhole
" trust a button trust it to know what it is intended for. It is discreet, subtle, but very useful and important... Naomi Shihab Nye